April blossom and a robin

Just a quick update from the garden, where the edible cherry has joined the apple blossom to cheer us all up:

The apples are also looking very promising:

Both the pears have had a good crop of flowers this year but I’ll not be counting too many chickens regarding actual pears. We’ll see.

Last weekend I visited my niece’s garden in her rented house. She has what can best be described as a ‘wildflower lawn’, mainly because her landlord has not provided her with a useable lawnmower. As a reward it was absolutely filled with the most glorious Lady’s Smock or Cuckoo Flower. I’ve occasionally had these in my garden but do too much mowing to have such an impressive array. So I was delighted to find one had self-seeded in the slightly wildflowery patch beside the pond. Maybe there will be more.

I was pottering around in the garden this morning, moving some rather lovely primroses which had got crowded out by grass and other stuff. I cleared a little space for them and was joined by a very friendly robin, which was auditioning for a part in a Disney movie:

Spring is here but the nights are still very cold so there’s not much veg growing yet.

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